What Pans Can You Use on an Induction Hob?

What Pans Can You Use on an Induction Hob? If you’ve been researching induction hobs, you probably already know that not every pan works with an induction hob.

The good news is that most modern pans that you can purchase today are compatible with induction cooking. However, that’s not guaranteed.

If you have an older cookware set that you’ve been hanging on to for years, you’ll need to check if an upgrade is necessary.

What pans can you use on an induction hob? Let’s take a look at the basics of checking your cookware for induction compatibility!

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What Pans Can You Use on an Induction Hob?

Pans need a magnetic base to work on induction hob

The quick and easy rule to remember is that pans made from something called ferrous metal should work just fine with your new induction hob.

This covers popular pan types like cast iron and carbon steel. Some high-quality pans made from stainless steel will also work just fine.

However, it’s not always a sure thing with stainless steel simply because manufacturers use many different grades of steel when making their products.

This next part is where it gets tricky.

Pots and pans don’t necessarily have to be made completely of ferrous metal to work with induction hobs.

Having just a base made of ferrous metal will sometimes make a pot or pan fully compatible with induction hobs.

Some brands that produce ceramic-clad cookware actually add iron to the base of their pans to make the induction compatible.

Checking Your Pans for Induction Compatibility: Your Easy Guide

induction magnet test

Let’s talk about how to verify that your pans will work with your new induction hob. The easiest way to check is simply to use the “magnet test.”

Yes, this means using a simple kitchen magnet to see if it sticks to the bottom of your pan.

If the magnet does stick, you’re good! If the magnet slides off the bottom of the pan, this means that the pan isn’t meant for induction cooking.

A little more research is needed if you’re in the process of shopping for new cookware that will work with your induction hob.

Brands are really good about labelling their cookware these days. Simply look for the little induction symbol on the packaging or in the product description.

As a rule, you should always do the “magnet test” with your cookware before throwing any pieces away because there could be a big surprise in store for you even when a particular pot or pan appears hopeless.

What Pans Don’t Work on an Induction Hob?

copper pans do not work on induction

Glass pans definitely won’t work with an induction hob. The same goes for aluminium and copper cookware.

Yes, it’s true that some aluminium and copper pans that aren’t technically made of ferrous metal may still be compatible with your induction hob because they have coated bottoms that are designed for induction cooking.

However, it’s still helpful to know about the pans that generally won’t work with induction hobs when shopping for new cookware.

The Bottom Line: Don’t Skip the Magnet Test

It’s a myth that buying an induction hob means you have to throw away all of your old pots and pans.

If you’re hoping to save some money, the smartest thing you can do is simply run a magnet over the bottoms of all of your current pots and pans to see what sticks!

You may not actually have to purchase all new cookware just because you’re buying a new induction hob. In addition to saving you money, this will help you to enjoy all of your favourite “sentimental” pieces from your kitchen once you’ve made some appliance upgrades!

Of course, you should be prepared to know how to shop specifically for induction-friendly cookware if your current set can’t pass the magnet test.